Crazy Sexy Notion Read online

Page 18

  “Here we go,” Mickey said as we passed the exit sign for Pecan. He gave me a look as he took the ramp. “Say the word and I’ll turn around.”

  “No.” There was no turning back now. I nervously twirled the ring I now wore on my left ring finger. I still hadn’t gotten used to the weight of it. I still hadn’t gotten used to the idea that one day I would be Mickey’s wife—or anyone’s wife. Mickey had proposed to me a total of ten times before I’d given in.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to say ‘yes’ the first time. I just felt like it was too soon. Or maybe I was scared. I don’t know. But somewhere between the first and the tenth time, those insecurities faded. I knew I loved Mickey, wholeheartedly, and so I let go. And it was such a great feeling to let go. To trust. To share. To love.

  Right now, as the familiar Cherry Hill sign came into view and we slowed to enter the trailer park, I focused on the memory of Mickey dropping down on one knee. The tenth time, that is. The time I’d said ‘yes.’ The time after his ‘no-hitter’ baseball game. A term I’d never heard before that day. And a term I would never forget now.

  “I’m going to go get another beer and maybe some nachos. Want anything?” I said to Samantha, pushing up the sleeves of my new Sea Dogs shirt. It was hot tonight.

  She shook her head.

  “What about you, Pamela?” Mickey’s mom also sat with us. His dad had been sitting with us too, but he’d disappeared a while ago—saying something about how he couldn’t take the pressure. Mickey currently was on the baseball field pitching. His foot had finished healing and tonight was his first game back. It was my first time watching him play. I had to admit, he looked damn sexy on the field, in his uniform, doing his thing, throwing that ball.

  But…let’s be honest, after seven uneventful innings I was little bored. Nothing was happening. Like nobody was hitting the ball. Sometimes one of the people from the other team would pop it up—someone might catch it—blah, blah, blah, boring.

  “Sit your ass down,” Pamela ordered, snapping at me.

  “Excuse me?” She’d never spoken to me that way before.

  “It’s the seventh inning and Mick’s in the middle of a no-hitter. Sit down…please.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  “Yeah mom, sit down,” Samantha hissed, yanking on my arm to pull me back down in the seat beside her.

  As I sat, I noticed now how quiet the whole park seemed to be. “Is this a good thing?”

  About five people in the surrounded area, including my daughter, all answered, “Yes!”

  Okay then.

  “You must be good luck,” Pamela whispered. She anxiously bent and fidgeted with a napkin in her hands. “Mickey’s never come this close before. If he knows you’re watching, and then he suddenly notices you aren’t in the stands anymore… I just don’t want that messing with his head.”

  I took a deep breath and exhaled. Why was everyone so superstitious when it came to baseball? Good God. But I could sit still if it meant helping Mickey. So, I watched the game, maybe for the first time all evening, forgetting about the food and the beer I’d been wanting in my boredom before. Well, I did buy a beer from the man who eventually came around shouting, but I also tried harder now to pay attention.

  The whole crowd seemed to be rooting for Mickey. They were on edge with every pitch he threw, collectively sighing and cheering. Pamela filled me in on what it meant and how rare it was in a pitcher’s career to ever throw a no-hitter.

  Two more innings went by. The last was almost finished now.

  After a few more pitches and a second out for the inning, I too was on the edge of my seat, with my eyes glued on my man, anxiously hoping he’d be able to pull this off.

  With one more out left to go, I stood up in my seat. My fingers gripped the netting in front of me—the one small layer between me and the field, between me and Mickey. After Pamela mentioned that Mickey might be paying attention to me, I noticed that she was right. His eyes were on me. Well, obviously they were on the game he was playing too, but between every pitch they came back to me. It helped that our seats were the best in the park, right in the front row, making it possible for me to see. And with each time those beautiful blue eyes of his met mine…it felt more and more intimate. Like tonight was about him and me somehow.

  I didn’t know baseball could feel so…emotional…or erotic…or intense. The second we had a chance to be alone tonight, I planned on stripping off all of Mickey’s clothes and doing every naughty thing I could imagine to him.

  Mickey’s eyes connected with mine one more time. The count was: 3 balls, 2 strikes. He needed to throw just one more strike and this would all be over. “I love you,” I mouthed. I don’t why I did it. I probably shouldn’t have. It was cheesy, and girly, and totally out of character to me to be sentimental during a baseball moment. But the words came out on their own.

  And then Mickey did it. He threw that last pitch. He ended the game. The Sea Dogs won, and Mickey finished his no-hitter game.

  I was shocked. And proud. Frozen in place watching him. His team piled out of the dugout, cheering and running, engulfing him in what almost looked like one giant hug. I lost sight of him for a moment. But only for a moment. The next thing I knew he was maneuvering his way toward me. My already pounding heart started to beat like a kickdrum.

  The entire park watched—or at least, it felt that way.

  He came up to the netting, breathing a little harder than normal, gripping my hands that were already gripping the netting from my side. “Raven,” he said.

  The seats were higher than the field, making us nearly eye-level but not quite. I stared down at him from where I stood. He was looking up at me like I was his entire world, like his teammates didn’t exist, like the crowd didn’t exist, like he needed to tell me something. I knew exactly what was coming. I could practically feel the question burning in his eyes, and radiating off his flushed skin.

  My stomach was a big, fluttery, nervous, anxious, excited mess.

  “Raven,” he repeated. “There’s no one else in the world for me. Only you. I could wait forever if that’s what you want. But when you know something’s right then what’s the point of hesitating?”

  “Okay,” I answered before he even had a chance to ask the question this time. He was right. Why hesitate? I’d never felt this way about anyone. Or fallen so hard so fast. It was scary, but it was right. “Okay.”


  I nodded.

  “Shit.” He let go of my hands and the netting. “Dammit. Of all times— Don’t move!”


  In a flash he turned and took off sprinting, zigzagging around people who were dotting the field. I might have been a little freaked out by his sudden abandonment had I not already seen the ring he’d gotten me. I’d found it in one of his drawers the other day when I’d been digging around for a shirt to wear. He had yet to propose with it though. He’d been asking me to marry him constantly, casually, almost in a fun joking way each time, but he had yet to drop down on a knee with that ring.

  But this was fucking it. Somehow, I knew. He’d ran off to go get that ring. In a bit of a daze, I turned to Pamela to see if she’d seen any of what had just happened.

  She had her cell phone out, recording me, with the biggest goofy grin on her lips. “Oh my God,” I whispered.

  Seconds passed like hours. In the time he was gone, I navigated in front of people’s seats to where the netting ended. It felt like an anxious eternity before I saw Mickey, in all his handsome, confident glory, running back across the field. His eyes scanned where I’d previously been standing.

  “Mickey,” I yelled to get his attention. Other than Samantha, I was still the only one who called Mickey by his full name. I liked that. It made his name feel like this intimate thing we shared every time I said it.

  He heard me and changed directions, slowing to a jog as he approached where I now stood. My body buzzed like a whole swarm of bee
s as he got close. His hands went for my waist. He lifted me up and brought me down to the field. I barely felt my feet hit the ground.

  Mikey’s eyes were alive and excited and full of love as they stared into mine. He took off his baseball hat, rubbing at his brow, before tossing the hat into the grass beside us. “Sorry I’m sweaty for this,” he muttered, his face close to mine. He grabbed my hands in his.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I breathed. It really didn’t. Besides, I kind of loved when he got all sweaty—his skin flushed, his eyes somehow bluer, the muscles in his body tense. It made me want to rip off that baseball uniform of his and explore every inch of his skin underneath.

  He took a deep breath. “Raven, you gotta know—from the moment I knocked on your door in Pecan, I knew my life was never going to be the same. I knew it the moment I saw you, the moment you grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside your house. You aren’t the little girl I remembered—you’re so much more. I love you. I want you to be my wife.”

  He broke away from my embrace, and dropped down to one knee.

  I sucked in a breath—even though I’d know it was coming, somehow it still shocked me.

  “Marry me,” he stated, pulling out the ring I already knew. It was a huge fucking diamond, surrounded by a whole bunch of smaller diamonds, beyond stunning, and way more extravagant than anything I’d ever seen in real life. But my eyes weren’t on the ring. They were on him. Only him. And a shudder ran through my body. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

  “Yes,” I answered. “Of course, yes.” There really was no other answer this time. I’d never loved anyone the way I loved Mickey. I knew I never would. I knew he was my forever. It pained me thinking about all those cartoon middle fingers I’d drawn on his letters, pushing him away when all he’d wanted was to stay best friends. Because that’s what he’d become again—my best friend. And he was right…why hesitate?

  The moment I said yes, he stood back up, grabbing my face, pressing his lips firmly against mine. My stomach swirled, and my heart flip flopped. I hadn’t realized we had an audience until the sound of people cheering buzzed in my ears. I kept kissing Mickey through it all, holding on his body tight, never wanting the moment to end.

  That moment had been like a dream. A dream I still hadn’t woken up. Even now, even as well pulled up in front of my old house and my old life—the dream was still right there with me.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I stated. “Pack everything up—so we can get back home to our real lives.”


  If you enjoyed CRAZY SEXY NOTION—then be sure to look for Sarah’s next novel: STREET RAT (A Modern-Day Retelling of Aladdin) staring Mickey’s younger brother Nick!

  Coming Summer 2018!

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  The complete KILL DEVIL HILLS SERIES is now available!!!

  (Each can be read as a standalone.)

  KILL DEVIL HILLS (Book 1: Georgina & Noah)

  Noah is determined to escape his past and keep his life under control. Then he saves the life of his best friend's little sister, Georgina Turner -- who is battling her own demons. He can't get her out of his head, even if Georgina tears down the emotional walls he so carefully built.

  Subscribe to Sarah’s Newsletter for a FREE copy of Kill Devil Hills!

  CHANGING TIDES (Book 2: Ellie & Nathanial)

  For years Ellie Turner's had a crush on television actor, Nate West. But it doesn't matter because Ellie's always strictly been into women and Nate doesn't exist in real life. In real life Ellie has her own issues to worry about. So, when the pair meets on an airplane, nothing life changing should have come from it.

  PULLED UNDER (Book 3: Rhett & Sydney)

  When Sydney Michael's lifelong crush—Ben Turner—died and she struggled to get through her grief, she decided to give up her virginity to Rhett Morgan, the most promiscuous guy in town, in hopes that he'd be the ultimate distraction. Only problem...Sydney only wanted one night. Rhett wants more.

  ADRIFT (Book 4: Ben & Juniper)

  Ben Turner is back! After unsuccessfully faking his own death, he's back home in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. With no plans for college or the future, and hated by the town that once loved him, Ben feels like he's drowning. Until he meets the girl next door, a runaway like himself, and she changes everything.

  About the Author:

  Sarah Darlington grew up traveling the United States (Navy Brat here!)—although, she’s called Virginia home for most of her adult life. She’s the proud mom of an intelligent 5-year-old boy with autism, who makes every day an adventure, and a 1-year-old red-headed little girl who is as fiery as her hair color. She believes in true love, soul mates, unicorns, rainbows, and that Hogwarts really does exist. Before having kids, she worked as a flight attendant. And when she’s not writing, she’s busy plotting her next grand adventure (aka vacation).

  Sarah Darlington Online:



  And now…here’s a preview of OWEN: THE OTHER BROTHER by Holden Ross. His debut novel releases Summer 2008…



  I can totally pull this off.

  Running my hands through the long strands of my hair, I glanced around the dark room to make sure all the candles were lit, and everything looked perfect. Tonight—the darker the room, the better I felt. And a few candles gave it just the right vibe.

  It wasn’t like I hadn’t had sex with my boyfriend Jeff before. It was just—the sex was boring. Predictable. And I had yet to ever reach an orgasm with Jeff.

  Tonight, that would change.

  Tonight, I would seduce him.

  Tonight, I hoped I could kickstart our sex life.

  Or at least try.

  The few beers I drank gave me the confidence I needed. I thought with us being away from home—in this mansion of a house nestled into the mountains—that it would help us break away from the monotony.

  The door cracked open.

  Here goes nothing.

  I had to act before I put anymore thought into this.

  Jeff poked his head into the room. I rushed him, pulling on his arm, dragging him inside. Stepping out of my shell, I roughly pushed his back against the door. In a move I hoped looked sexy, I yanked my oversized t-shirt up over my head and dropped it to the floor. Underneath I was completely naked and had recently visited the salon where I’d boldly waxed everything. I stepped forward, slipped my hand behind his neck, and slammed my lips to his. It took a few seconds for him to kiss me back, but when he did… Fuck, did he kiss me.


  Oh God. Yes. This is what I’ve been waiting for.

  My back arched deeper into the kiss, and a soft moan escaped my mouth. His hands glided down my back, sending shivers all through my body. Then his touch moved lower, over my ass, and he squeezed gently. Jeff never grabbed my ass like this before. Anything different meant I must have been doing something right. I slid my hands under the bottom of his shirt, helping him take it off. So many times, he’d leave it on during sex. Not tonight. Tonight, I wanted him completely naked. I wanted to feel his skin against mine. I wasn’t looking for slow, sensual love.

  I wanted more.

  I wanted something different.

  I wanted hot, rough, uninhibited fucking.

  Finally—I think I was about to get it.

  We stumbled to the bed together. He gently pushed me down, making a smile spread across my face. Through the darkness around us, it was hard to properly see his eyes. If I had the balls, I’d have said something, because for a minute I really wanted to see him, but I didn’t want to break the atmosphere I’d already set. Hopefully, he wouldn’t revert to our typical night in bed.

  Maybe all it took was a little push?

  Maybe all this time Jeff just needed a little extra motivatio
n from me?

  I felt my heart swell. We matched so perfectly outside the bedroom. Now, finally, we were matching inside it too.

  One minute I was on my back. The next I was on my knees, and he was thrusting inside me.

  Oh God, yes!

  Fast. Hard. Rough.

  I started this. But, surprisingly, he seemed to be taking control.

  His hand slid down the middle of my back, and I laid my head on the bed and let him take me. I wished for a minute I could kiss him again, but I wasn’t going to complain. I just wanted him to fuck me, and he was doing just that.

  I gripped the sheets in my hands. It didn’t take long. A minute later, I cried out when the most intense orgasm of my life shot through my body. My lips tingled, my knees went weak, I saw stars and rainbows and fucking fireworks. Jeff came with me, inside me, when he typically liked to pull out to avoid coming inside me. An extra step he liked to take, even though I was on birth control.

  Fuck, I didn’t care what he did. Tonight, was amazing. And in the afterglow of what had been the best sex ever, I smiled, and I shoved my head into the pillows after he pulled out. It was everything I wanted. Jeff waited a moment and then disappeared. I knew he liked to clean up afterward, so I pulled the sheets up and decided I would sleep naked tonight.

  * * *

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